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Design of Search Fields


Search fields should be designed to enable users to search quickly and easily.


On content-rich websites, the search box is one of the most frequently used components. If the content on a website is not well-organized, users inevitably resort to using the search feature. In such cases, the design of search boxes plays a crucial role in the website's usability perception.


  • The search feature should be accessible using keyboard shortcuts and basic keys.
  • The search field should be designed in a way that users can easily recognize, access, and interact with it.
  • The search field should be placed in the upper right section of the page. Research has shown that users expect to find the search field in the upper right section of the page.
  • The length of the search field should not be too short, and the text size should not be too small to ensure that queries entered into it can be easily read. Ideally, it should be able to display text of 20 characters in length.
  • The search/submit button should not be too small, to the extent that users struggle to place their cursor on it.
  • The design of the search field should be kept simple, avoiding excessive elements, and a plain design that users can easily recognize should be preferred.
  • The text on the search button should use expressions such as "Search" or "Find" that help users recognize this field, and generic terms like "Go" or "Submit" should be avoided.
  • A minimally designed magnifying glass icon should be used in search fields. The magnifying glass icon is effective in helping users recognize and easily find the search field.
  • Where technically feasible, smart search (auto-suggestion) should be implemented, allowing for instant querying from partial data entry.


  • ISO 9241-151 / – Search field size
  • ISO 9241-151 / – Shortcut to search function

Useful Resources

Significance Level



Scope of Search


The search process should cover the entire site, and if searches can be performed with different scopes, this should be clearly indicated to users.


Users expect their searches to be valid across the entire site. If their search is limited to a specific section of the site without clear notification, it can lead to user confusion.


  • The search function should be structured based on the information contained on the website and the anticipated needs of the user.
  • If searches are limited to specific sections of the website, this information should be conveyed to the user in a clear and understandable manner.
  • Considering the website's scope and the tasks performed within the site, it is advisable to provide users with the option to search across the entire website or specific sections when necessary.
  • Limiting searches to specific scopes should only be employed if it can be effectively designed; otherwise, it might lead users to believe they cannot find what they are looking for and prompt them to abandon the site.
  • On websites that offer searches within specific scopes, clear methods should be provided for users to easily change the search scope.
  • Using two different search fields on websites should be avoided. This method has only proven useful for employee directory searches in intranets.


  • ISO 9241-151 / – Full text search
  • ISO 9241-151 / – Scope of a search
  • ISO 9241-151 / – Selecting the scope of a search

Useful Resources

Significance Level



In the example website, users are provided with the capability to search across the entire site or specific sections.
Search Engine Optimization


The website should be listed among the top results of search engines for specific keywords.


Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to the practices aimed at improving a website's visibility and ranking in search engine results. These efforts help websites achieve higher positions in natural search results. It is crucial for generating free and organic web traffic and enhances user satisfaction by making content more accessible to users.

While search engine optimization and usability are perceived as distinct disciplines, they complement each other effectively. SEO efforts focus on achieving higher rankings and increased visitor numbers through natural search results, while usability work enhances the user experience on websites, encouraging visitors to stay longer.


  • A structure should be designed to allow access to important, non-confidential content without requiring login credentials. It's important to recognize that search engines cannot access content protected by usernames and passwords.
  • The website should appear prominently in search results not only when users search by the site's name but also when they use keywords related to the services and features offered by the site.
  • The title tag should contain text that best describes the page's content.
  • The page summary or short description should be specified with the "description" meta tag. While this doesn't directly impact rankings, it is crucial for attracting users to click on the site in search results.
  • In URL naming, the page title or expressions that help the page rank higher in search results should be used without losing the message of the page.
  • To achieve higher search rankings, it is essential to receive references from other reputable websites. Having high-quality content is crucial to obtain these quality references. Contents should be user-focused and easy to understand.
  • In link nomenclature, short expressions describing the linked page should be included.
  • For linked images, the "alt" tag should be used to provide a text alternative that search engines can understand.
  • In-site links should use short and descriptive phrases for link text. Incorporating in-site links on web pages contributes to user navigation, the creation of information architecture, and receiving more references from other websites.
  • Regularly optimize pages and maintain their SEO activity.
  • The website should be optimized for performance, as page performance is a critical factor for search engines.
  • Regularly check and update the situation, as search engines update their algorithms periodically.


  • ISO 9241-151 / 6.11 – Identifying the website and its owner

Useful Resources

Significance Level



In the example website, content on the homepage is organized to provide users with a straightforward and uncomplicated experience.

Filtering Search Results


Users should be able to filter and change the scope of search results.


Filters allow large volumes of data to be sifted and narrowed down to obtain more relevant results based on criteria such as date, popularity, or alphabetical order. Depending on the structure and content of a website, various filters can be applied.


  • Sorting or filtering options can be presented based on factors like the date of content, relevance to the search terms, frequency of content visits, or alphabetical order.
  • In cases where search results are numerous and detailed, users should be provided with an option to perform a new search within the search results.
  • Users should be informed that they can search within search results, and this information should be clearly and visually distinguished.
  • Category-specific filtering options can be offered.
  • Filters should not be restricted to a single parameter but should allow for multiple parameter selections.
  • When naming filter parameters, real-world terminology should be selected.
  • Filter settings can preferably be displayed in the left sidebar, considering user habits.
  • Users should be able to apply filter parameters collectively after making their selections. Refreshing the page with each parameter change can be bothersome to users.
  • When filtering is applied, the page can be scrolled to the area where new results are loaded based on user habits and needs.
  • When filtering is applied, a loading indicator can be displayed with a slight screen darkening until new results load. The appearance of new results without any visual change on the screen can escape users' attention.
  • Applied filters on results should be positioned where users can easily find them.
  • Applied filters on results should be easily changeable or removable.
  • Applied filters on results can be viewed either on the original filter item or collectively at the top of the page.
  • Important filters can be displayed above the results list.
  • Different filter combinations applied to pages should be stored in the browser history, allowing users to access previously applied filters.


  • ISO 9241-151 / – Sorting or filtering search results
  • ISO 9241-151 / – Refining searches

Useful Resources

Significance Level



In the sample site, search results can be filtered according to different criteria.

Displaying Search Results


Search results should be presented to users in a meaningful and relevance-based order.


Searches can be considered as conversations between users and websites. Users express their needs or queries through search sentences, and websites respond with a page containing results. The result page is a vital part of the overall search experience. A well-designed result page that caters to user needs can enhance user satisfaction.


  • The search results page should emphasize the accuracy of matched records and the relevance of the results to the query.
  • The user's query should not be cleared after performing a search.
  • For misspelled expressions, spelling correction suggestions should be provided.
  • Users should be informed about the number of search results.
  • A list of the user's most recent searches can be shown.
  • If search results are displayed on a separate page, it should be evident to users that they are still within the same website.
  • The first page of search results should be optimized for the best user experience, providing the most relevant page for common queries. Users tend to rarely look at the second page of search results.
  • On the "No Results Found" page, users should be provided with a search box that contains the search query they entered, similar query suggestions, and spelling correction suggestions.
  • The criteria by which search results are sorted (e.g., by date, relevance, title, etc.) and any filtering options should be clearly indicated.
  • Considering the content of the web page, users should be able to narrow down or expand their search results.
  • Search results should be shown immediately, preferably located just below the search bar, to minimize the need for a secondary click. This allows users to easily input another search query after evaluating the results.
  • If there are too many parametric values in search results, users can be advised to reduce the number using filters.


  • ISO 9241-151 / – Ordering of search results
  • ISO 9241-151 / – Relevance-based ranking of search results
  • ISO 9241-151 / – Descriptiveness of results

Useful Resources

Significance Level



In the example site, suitable search results matching the keywords are not displayed.

Number of Search Results


The total number of search results should be displayed on the page where the results are shown.


The volume of search results can vary significantly depending on the queried keywords. The number of search results is crucial information that needs to be provided on the result page for users. Based on this information, users can decide how much time they want to spend on the result page. Additionally, breaking down search results into pages can help users review the listed results more quickly and easily.


  • When displaying search results on websites, the total number of results and the number of results displayed per page should be indicated.
  • In cases where search result pages list a large number of results, it is recommended to extend the page vertically, taking into consideration the browser's ability to scroll up and down, rather than increasing the number of individual pages, up to about 4 or 5 screen lengths.
  • In extensive searches, options for narrowing down the scope should be provided, and a progressive search improvement feature should be supported.
  • In cases where a large number of results are returned, search results should be displayed on equal pages, allowing users to navigate between pages and informing users that there are filtering options to narrow down the search scope.


  • ISO 9241-151 / – Providing feedback on the volume of the search result
  • ISO 9241-151 / – Handling large result sets

Useful Resources

Significance Level



On the example website, the number of search results and the number of pages are displayed.
Basic and Advanced Search


Search fields should allow for more detailed searches by narrowing down search criteria.


While some users prefer using basic search techniques, others may want to utilize advanced search techniques. Therefore, the search feature on websites should be designed to cater to users who want to perform both simple and detailed searches.


  • Advanced search options should not be presented to users by default.
  • Advanced search features on websites should be provided when there is a substantial amount of content and when navigation elements are insufficient.
  • On the advanced search page, explanations of search criteria and usage instructions should be included.
  • Mandatory and optional fields on the advanced search page should be clearly indicated.
  • If different search techniques are used in search fields on websites, this information should be shared with users.
  • Users should be provided with clear and straightforward instructions on how to perform accurate searches using the keywords they enter.


  • ISO 9241-151 / – Providing a simple search function
  • ISO 9241-151 / – Advanced search
  • ISO 9241-151 / – Describing the search technique used

Useful Resources

Significance Level



In the example site, search options are provided to allow users to perform more detailed searches based on the site's purpose.

Case-Insensitive Search


Searches should not be case-sensitive.


Users typically do not pay much attention to using uppercase or lowercase letters when performing searches. For this reason, many websites offer search fields that are case-insensitive to provide a better user experience.


  • Users should be informed about the importance of case sensitivity in cases where it is crucial and distinctive.
  • In the Turkish alphabet, both the lowercase "i" and the uppercase "I" should be considered, and it should be remembered that the letter code changes in case conversions. Care should be taken to ensure that the necessary technical measures are in place.


Useful Resources

Significance Level



In the example site, users can access the same search results regardless of whether they use lowercase or uppercase letters in their search queries, making it easier for users to perform fast and accurate searches.
Error Tolerance Search


Websites should allow error-tolerant searching, and in cases where the appropriate results cannot be found, users should be provided with search-related suggestions.


Users often assume that the items they are looking for can be found on a website, and they search accordingly. In rare cases, a search is performed with the intention of not finding a record (e.g., criminal record, etc.). The messages and content provided in search results are organized considering this scenario. Users may enter their desired keywords with grammar and spelling errors, omissions, or inaccuracies. In such cases, when displaying search results for the missing or incorrectly entered words, suggesting searching with the correct word can also be recommended.


  • It is recommended to provide guidance such as "... you can search again with..." for commonly confused or misunderstood words.
  • Intelligent search (auto-suggestion) methods can recommend the correct forms of misspelled words, alternatives to words, or content and services that can be expressed differently. (For example, suggesting "SGK Service Record" for "4A Document" and so on.)
  • On the "No Results Found" page, users should be provided with a search box that contains the search query they entered, similar query suggestions, and spelling correction suggestions.


  • ISO 9241-151 / – Error-tolerant search
  • ISO 9241-151 / – Giving advice for unsuccessful searches

Useful Resources

Significance Level



On the example website, suggestions are provided for searches with spelling errors, and search results for the correctly spelled word are displayed.
Page Metadata


Websites must include at least the "Description," "Keywords," and "Author" top-level metadata.


Metadata consists of information that describes/explains data. In short, it can be expressed as data about data. Metadata used on web pages is not visible on the pages themselves. Browsers, search engines, and other web services use this data.


  • The "content-type" metadata, which determines the content type and character set, should be used to ensure the proper display of language characters.
  • Although not defined with a meta tag, the page title, written in the "title" tag, should be carefully determined.
  • This data is essential for search engines.
  • The short page description in the "description" metadata should best reflect the page content. While this data does not directly affect search engine ranking, it plays a significant role in users' preference for clicking on a site link from search results.
  • In today's world, where mobile internet usage is widespread, the "viewport" metadata introduced with HTML5 should be used to provide users with a good mobile experience.
  • The "keywords" metadata, which defines keywords related to the page's content, is not as crucial for search engines today as it used to be. However, if ready-made systems are used, and these words can be automatically generated, they can be preferred.
  • If it is essential to determine whether links within the page should be indexed or followed by search engines, the "robots" metadata should be used.
  • If a website offers content in multiple languages, the "language" metadata should be used to specify the primary language.
  • In cases of various other similar themes or pages developed by transferring and reusing code from other sources, the metadata sections should not be forgotten and should be adjusted.


  • ISO 9241-151 / 6.11 – Identifying the website and its owner

Useful Resources

Significance Level



In the example, it can be seen that important metadata is used. 

On-Site Search


Users should be provided with search fields within the website, and these fields should indicate which sections of the website the search covers.


Search fields are particularly crucial for large-scale websites, as they facilitate navigation and access to content within the site. Users often assume that they can search the entire site using the keywords entered in the search field. When users can't access the desired page through navigation elements, they turn to search fields as a solution.


  • Users should be able to use the search field on the page they are currently on without the need for extra clicks.
  • To make the search field easily identifiable, a simple magnifying glass icon should be used. The magnifying glass icon is one of the few icons that most users recognize.
  • The search field should be placed in the upper right section of the page. This is where users expect to find the search box.
  • An "search" button should be provided next to the search box. Although the search process can also be executed by pressing the "Enter" key on the keyboard, some users still expect to see a search button in this area.
  • The length of the search field should be appropriate, taking into account that users may input long search queries. Research shows that when the search box accommodates 27 characters, 90% of queries with all their words can be displayed within this space.
  • Search fields should allow searching throughout the entire website, and if the search is limited to specific sections of the site, this information should be clearly communicated to users.
  • Search fields should be designed based on the website's purpose and scope, offering different options like simple or advanced search to match users' needs and preferences.
  • Synonyms and partial matches should be considered in search results.
  • An auto-suggestion mechanism should be used right below the search field when users type their queries.
  • For highly searched terms, special efforts can be made to enhance the results.
  • Efforts should be made to handle misspelled words correctly.
  • In search results, common and undifferentiating words like prepositions, conjunctions, and others (e.g., "but," "for," "and," "or," etc.) should not be taken into account during the search process.
  • The search field should be accessible from all pages of the website. Users should not be forced to return to the homepage repeatedly when they want to search. However, for pages where the user's task or the content viewed does not require a search, exceptions can be made.
  • Planning should be based on the assumption that the user who conducts a search on the site aims to find the word(s) or content they are looking for. When a search fails, users should be guided, and the task and the items being searched for should be presented again. In many cases, user typos can be identified and corrected by showing them on the "search failed" screen for the user to fix.
  • Search results, when multiple, should be listed.


  • ISO 9241-151 / – Providing a search function
  • ISO 9241-151 / – Providing appropriate search functions
  • ISO 9241-151/ – Availability of search

Useful Resources

Significance Level



In the sample site, there is a search field indicating that users can search within the site. In addition, it is clearly shown in which section or sections of the site the searched area is searched.

Displaying the Query with Search Results


The keywords entered into the search fields should also be displayed on the page where search results are listed.


Users sometimes mistype the keywords they want to search for, or when users cannot find what they are looking for on the results page, they may want to make a new query. To allow for the correction of mistyped queries and to make it easy to perform a new search, the search field and the searched keywords should be displayed on the page where search results are listed.


  • The keywords used for the search should also be displayed on the page where search results are shown.
  • The page displaying search results should include a search field, allowing users to change the keywords or perform a new search.


  • ISO 9241-151 / – Showing the query with the results
  • ISO 9241-151 / – Repeating searches

Useful Resources

Significance Level



In the example website, the keywords used for the search are visible on the page displaying search results.

(SGE) Cyber Security Institute

The Cyber Security Institute, which was established to carry out studies to increase the national cyber security capacity, carries out research and development activities in the field of cyber security; carries out solutions-oriented projects for military institutions, public institutions and organizations and the private sector.

The main fields of activity of our institute, which has made a significant contribution to the creation of cyber security knowledge and tactical infrastructure in our country with many successful projects to date, are secure software development, penetration tests and vulnerability analysis.

6-yze card logo

(IZE) Artificial Intelligence Institute

Artificial Intelligence Institute is the first institute established within the scope of TUBITAK centers and institutes, which cuts the sectors and research fields horizontally and focuses directly on the emerging technology field. For this reason, it constitutes an innovative model in terms of both the open innovation and co-development approach of the institute and its focus on emerging technology.

Artificial Intelligence Institute aims to develop core technologies in the field of artificial intelligence and bring these innovations from the forefront of science to the use of the industry as soon as possible. Focusing on the transformative potential of artificial intelligence, it will continue to play its part in pioneering efforts to create and sustain artificial intelligence-based innovation, growth and productivity in Turkey. Working with industry and public institutions in Turkey, together with other organizations within the artificial intelligence ecosystem, spreading the use of artificial intelligence and increasing the workforce specialized in this field are among its primary goals.


Competence Centers

Discover institutes laboratories technologies products projects of BİLGEM.


TÜBİTAK BİLGEM builds its basic strategy for the future on qualified knowledge and qualified people focused on national targets in the research, technology development and innovation ecosystem.

Starting from the understanding that "the most important resource of a country is generally people, specifically scientists," TÜBİTAK encourages and supports our youth from an early age. In this context, providing young minds with early exposure to technology production is crucial for the success of our National Technology Move. Accordingly, TÜBİTAK BİLGEM offers internship opportunities to undergraduate students from universities every year.

You can follow internship announcements and submit your applications through the Career Gateway at

You can access frequently asked questions about internships at TÜBİTAK BİLGEM from here. 

Application Conditions
  • Students enrolled in undergraduate (2nd year and above) and associate degree programs in departments offering education in universities and conducting insurance procedures through the higher education institution to which they are affiliated can benefit from the internship opportunity.
  • For undergraduate and associate degree students, a minimum Weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.50 out of 4 is required. The GPA of candidates with a 100-point system is converted to a 4-point system based on the "Conversion Table of Grades from the 4-Point System to the 100-Point System" published by the Higher Education Council.
  • There is no requirement for a foreign language certificate during the internship application process.
  • Students enrolled in departments such as Forensic Computing Engineering, Computer Sciences, Computer Science and Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer and Informatics, Computer and Software Engineering, Information Systems Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Control Engineering, Control and Computer Engineering, Control and Automation Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, or Software Engineering in universities can apply for internships.

Internship applications are accepted between December and January, and the internship period covers June, July, and August.



Scholar assignments are made for research and development activities for undergraduate, master's, doctoral students, and post-doctoral researchers. In our center, scholars are appointed for practical purposes in externally funded, TARAL, or European Union projects.

You can contact us via the email address to apply to be a scholar.
Application Conditions

(1) The conditions for undergraduate scholars in externally funded projects conducted by the institution are specified below:

  •  Being a student continuing undergraduate education at higher education institutions established in Turkey (excluding foreign language preparatory students).
  • Having a weighted cumulative GPA for previous years, excluding preparatory years, based on the university's grading system, which satisfies the formula score and foreign language requirements in the recruitment criteria.
  • Completing at least the first semester of the first year of undergraduate education.
  • Having a GPA of "+3.00" and a University Placement Exam Ranking of "10,000 ≥" for undergraduate general average.
  • For foreign students placed in Turkish universities without taking the ÖSYM exam or for those who completed undergraduate education through exams such as Vertical Transfer Exam, the lowest university placement ranking of the department from the year the candidate started the undergraduate program is considered in the ranking formula.

(2) The conditions for master's degree scholars in externally funded projects conducted by the institution are specified below:

  • Being a student continuing master's degree education at higher education institutions established in Turkey (excluding special students and foreign language preparatory students).
  • Currently pursuing a master's degree in the project's field of responsibility.

(3) The conditions for doctoral students in externally funded projects conducted by the institution are specified below:

  • Being a student continuing doctoral education at higher education institutions established in Turkey (excluding special students and foreign language preparatory students).
  • Currently pursuing a doctorate in the project's field of responsibility or conducting a doctorate in areas determined within the framework of the YÖK-TÜBİTAK Doctoral Program Project Collaboration Protocol. (Students in medical specialization and artistic proficiency are accepted as doctoral students.)

Candidate Researcher

Students in the 3rd and 4th years of relevant engineering departments at universities can apply to our Part-Time Candidate Researcher positions through our Job Application System at By doing so, they can gain work experience at TÜBİTAK BİLGEM during their university years.

This program does not have an end date. Candidate Researcher personnel working part-time during their university period can seamlessly transition to full-time employment as Researcher personnel at TÜBİTAK BİLGEM without interrupting their career journey after graduating from the undergraduate program.

Application Conditions

Conditions for the Candidate Researcher Program:

  • Being a 3rd or 4th-year student in the relevant departments specified in the announcements at universities.
  • Foreign language proficiency: Achieving appropriate scores in the exam types specified in the announcement or studying in a program that is 100% in English for undergraduate education.
  • Satisfying the formula score:

Weighted Graduation Average + (10,000/University Placement Exam Ranking) + Additional Score* >= 3.20

*Candidates who have achieved rankings and awards in national and international competitions will receive an additional score of 0.3.



By joining TÜBİTAK BİLGEM as a Researcher, you can contribute to developments in the fields of information technology, information security, and advanced electronics. You'll have the opportunity to make your mark on innovations, closely follow advancements, enhance your skills, and shape your future by advancing in your career.

You can apply to our currently open positions through the TÜBİTAK Job Application System .

Application Conditions

Conditions for Job Application:

  • Foreign language proficiency: Attaining appropriate scores in the exam types specified in the announcement or studying in a program that is 100% in English for undergraduate education.
  • Fulfilling specific requirements stated in the announcement (such as undergraduate department, years of experience, expertise, etc.).
  • Satisfying the formula score:

For Candidates with Less than 3 Years of Experience:

Weighted Graduation Average + (10,000 / University Placement Exam Ranking) + Additional Score* >= 3.20


For Candidates with 3 Years and More of Experience:

Weighted Graduation Average + (10,000 / University Placement Exam Ranking) + 5*[1 / (1 + e^(5 - years of experience) ) ] + Additional Score* >= 3.20

*Candidates who have achieved rankings and awards in national and international competitions will receive an additional score of 0.3.


MILSEC 4 - Secure IP Terminal


While the MİLSEC-4 terminal offers an up-to-date solution for next-generation secure communication (voice, data and video) in IP networks, it provides an uninterrupted communication service by maintaining the compatibility of secure voice communication in PSTN networks with PSTN secure phones in use.

Configuration, surveillance and software update processes of MILSEC-4 terminals are carried out securely remotely using the Security Management Center (GYM). MİLSEC-4 terminal is capable of IP Network Key Loading (IPAAY) through secure communication with GYM without the need for an additional device.

MİLSEC-4 terminals are interoperable with MİLSEC-1A and MİLSEC-2 phones and offer the opportunity to replace MİLSEC-1A and MİLSEC-2 phones without interruption in the gradual transformation of PSTN networks to next generation IP networks.


  • End-to-end secure voice communication in PSTN networks
  • End-to-end secure voice, image and data transmission in IP networks
  • NATO SCIP compliance on IP networks
  • Compatibility with commercial SIP products
  • Interoperability with MILSEC1A and MILSEC2 secure phones
  • National and AES crypto algorithms
  • Remote software update
  • Easy operation with touch screen

It is subject to the sales license to be given by the Ministry of National Defense.