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Homepage Visible Area Design


The elements on the homepage should be arranged in order of importance, and the most important elements should be positioned in the visible area of the homepage as much as possible.


In previous years, it was highly emphasized that all the elements on the homepage should be in the vertical axis and in the visible area of the page. This rule, which was valid during the early days of internet usage, has evolved with the development of technology that has become more integrated into daily life. The visible area of the homepage remains important today, but the necessity to fit all the elements on this page within the visible area has become less crucial.

Research has shown that the majority of users scroll through the page. Data obtained from 2 billion page visits revealed that 66% of users focus on the section of the page below the first visible area. Data from approximately 100,000 page visits also showed that 76% of users scroll down, and of those users, 26% scrolled all the way to the bottom of the page.


  • Primary navigation components should be positioned in the area that appears on the screen without the need for scrolling.
  • Depending on the design and content density, a vertical scrollbar can be used when necessary.
  • When a scrollbar is used, the length of the page should not exceed the equivalent of 4-5 main screen pages, and the order of importance should be designed from top to bottom.
  • Important content that is intended to catch the user's attention and is important from the user's perspective should be placed in the upper sections of the page.
  • By applying simple and minimal design principles, a website can appear correctly on devices with various screen sizes and resolutions.
  • In page designs that require scrolling, attention should be paid to the use of elements that create the perception of the page ending vertically. Elements that create interruptions in the vertical direction or give the impression of the end of the page can cause the content in the lower section of the page to be overlooked.


Useful Resources

Significance Level



In the sample site, all important functions that can be performed through the website are included in the visible area of the page.
Homepage Content


All basic functionalities that can be performed on the website should be included on the homepage.


The homepage is the highest-level structure in the navigation of websites. To ensure that users can comprehend the purpose and content of the site, access important or new content pieces, and all relevant navigation infrastructure, sufficient information must be provided on the homepage.


  • The homepage title should be named with a short description that is search engine-friendly and understandable when bookmarked by users, and the term "Homepage" should not be used.
  • Basic operations and frequently used links should be included.
  • Corporate news, events from management, congratulatory messages, and similar components should not outweigh the importance of the main content.
  • The most important operations should be emphasized on the homepage to provide a clear starting point for users.
  • The purpose of the website and what users can do should be clearly understood from the homepage. For this purpose, user persona studies can be used as guidance.
    The homepage should have a significantly different design compared to all other pages on the website.
    The website should not be considered independently of the organization; it should maintain consistency with the corporate identity.
  • Information related to the organization's internal matters and employees should not be published on the corporate website. Such information should be shared on the organization's intranet portal.
  • Some elements on the homepage should not be repeated multiple times to emphasize their importance; all unnecessary elements should be removed from the homepage.
    Instead of providing a link on the homepage for users to access the search page, an internal search box should be included on the page. Searches made from the homepage should cover the entire site content.
  • Visual elements should be used to display real content on the homepage, not for decoration purposes.
  • Animations should only be used when necessary. Using animations on important page elements can create an advertising perception, distracting users.
  • If important parts of the website or the entire site are not working, this information should be clearly provided to users on the homepage.
  • Information such as search engine, design company, browser information, or technological infrastructure, which does not attract the user's attention and is just a waste of space, should not be included on the homepage.
  • For time-bound content like news or announcements, date and time information should be displayed. If the website cannot be updated frequently, it is advisable to avoid using components that include date information.
  • In websites targeting multiple countries, the time zone should be indicated according to the target audience.
  • The website should have a dynamic structure that is actively updated based on the needs of the target audience.
  • The weight and significance of the graphic components used should not overshadow the content.
  • Components used should take into account browser loading performance and bandwidth usage, avoiding content that takes too long to load or cannot be displayed.


  • ISO 9241-151 / 8.3.8 – Informative home page
  • ISO 9241-151 / 6.11 – Identifying the website and its owner

Useful Resources

Significance Level



In the sample website, a significant portion of the homepage is dedicated to the search field to ensure that users can easily access the desired service using the search feature.
Homepage Use of Long Text


Long texts should not be used on the homepage of websites.


Reading text on the internet has lower performance compared to printed materials. Therefore, it is known that users tend to quickly review the titles and menus of website homepages. The use of long text on the homepage will create a negative perception as it does not align with general user expectations and habits, and it will also decrease the functionality of the homepage.


  • The use of long texts on the homepage, which requires the use of a scrollbar, should be avoided because it leads to skipping content without reading or wasting time to find the desired information.
  • The homepage should only contain essential headings and short content that aligns with the purpose of the website. When text is strategically necessary, it should be as short as possible and well-segmented.


Useful Resources

Significance Level



The homepage of the sample website contains long content. Instead, informative short content should be used, and links to other pages should be provided for detailed information.
Access to Important or Frequently Used Content from the Homepage


The homepage should include links to access important or frequently used content.


Users should not need to click on second or third-level links to explore all the options on a website. It should be made easier and faster for users to access the important content they want.


  • Consider that including a large number of links on the homepage can make the homepage look cluttered and reduce the usability of the website.
  • Ensure what aspects will be selected for the homepage and the importance of the options and links presented for the site.


  • ISO 9241-151 / 8.3.9 – Directly accessing relevant information from the home page
  • ISO 9241-151 / 8.4.9 – Providing cross linking to potentially relevant content

Useful Resources

Significance Level



In the example site, access to frequently used content (below the image slideshow) is provided directly from the homepage.

Access to the Homepage


Every subpage of the website should provide a link for access to the homepage.


A significant portion of users tends to return to the homepage when they want to access a new page or encounter an issue on the current page. Including a link for easy access to the homepage from all pages of the website contributes to a positive user experience.


  • To ensure easy access to the homepage from every page on a website, a link labeled "Home" should be provided.
  • On subpages, a breadcrumb structure should be used to save time and offer quick access.
  • Users should be able to navigate to the homepage by clicking on the organization's logo, but this method should not be considered the sole means of returning to the homepage.
  • After completing a sequence of steps in a task, users should not be automatically redirected to the homepage. Instead, on pages where sequential steps are required, it is advisable to stay within those sections considering that the process may need to be repeated or another function within the subsection may be needed. However, the option to return to the homepage should still be available from these sections.


  • ISO 9241-151 / 6.11 – Identifying the website and its owner
  • ISO 9241-151 / 8.4.11 – Linking back to the homepage or landmark pages

Useful Resources

Significance Level



In the example site, a "Home" link is provided to allow users to access the homepage from different subpages.

Creating a Positive First Impression


The homepage should leave a positive and trustworthy impression on users visiting the website for the first time.


It is known that users often use the homepage to access content within a website. Websites that make a positive first impression are perceived as more reliable and usable by users, leading to higher user engagement. Websites are rapidly evaluated by users, primarily relying on automatic and quick assessment processes. The more effort and attention required by the second-level evaluation process, the lower the initial positive perception by users.

Websites are evaluated by people at two different levels. At the first level; there is an involuntary, automatic and very fast evaluating system that perceives simple relationships and patterns very quickly. At the second level, there is a system that works slower and requires more effort and at the same time requires our attention. Websites are evaluated very quickly by the first level system based on previous experience. The more the site appearance requires attention and effort at the second level, the lower the level of positive perception on the user side.

In the researches conducted, it has been observed that the areas that users focus on the most are; logo, main menu, search box, social network links, general appearance of the site, written content and sub-section of the site.


  • The website should be able to provide who it is, what it offers, and why it's essential for users within the first few seconds.
  • It's crucial to remember that users initially scan the site with their eyes, not read it.
  • The website should have a clear, distinct, and well-designed logo that aligns with corporate identity principles.
  • It should have an understandable and user-friendly navigation structure.
  • Contact information should be easily findable and accessible.
  • The website interface should be visually balanced. Grid systems available online for free can be used for this purpose.
  • The use of different colours and fonts should be limited. The use of more than 4 colours and more than 2 fonts may create a rainbow effect on users and create a negative aesthetic and visual chaos perception at first.
  • Elements for initiating actions (e.g., buttons, links, etc.) should not be equally emphasized. Their importance should be visually communicated, ensuring users can grasp their significance at a glance without causing cognitive strain.
  • "5-second tests" can be conducted on web pages or screenshots.
  • Images on the homepage should support the organization's mission, but the image itself should never overshadow the organization.


  • ISO 9241-151 / 8.3.8 – Informative home page

Useful Resources

Significance Level



In the sample site, the contents on the home page are grouped and an uncomplicated home page is presented to the users.

(SGE) Cyber Security Institute

The Cyber Security Institute, which was established to carry out studies to increase the national cyber security capacity, carries out research and development activities in the field of cyber security; carries out solutions-oriented projects for military institutions, public institutions and organizations and the private sector.

The main fields of activity of our institute, which has made a significant contribution to the creation of cyber security knowledge and tactical infrastructure in our country with many successful projects to date, are secure software development, penetration tests and vulnerability analysis.

6-yze card logo

(IZE) Artificial Intelligence Institute

Artificial Intelligence Institute is the first institute established within the scope of TUBITAK centers and institutes, which cuts the sectors and research fields horizontally and focuses directly on the emerging technology field. For this reason, it constitutes an innovative model in terms of both the open innovation and co-development approach of the institute and its focus on emerging technology.

Artificial Intelligence Institute aims to develop core technologies in the field of artificial intelligence and bring these innovations from the forefront of science to the use of the industry as soon as possible. Focusing on the transformative potential of artificial intelligence, it will continue to play its part in pioneering efforts to create and sustain artificial intelligence-based innovation, growth and productivity in Turkey. Working with industry and public institutions in Turkey, together with other organizations within the artificial intelligence ecosystem, spreading the use of artificial intelligence and increasing the workforce specialized in this field are among its primary goals.


Competence Centers

Discover institutes laboratories technologies products projects of BİLGEM.


TÜBİTAK BİLGEM builds its basic strategy for the future on qualified knowledge and qualified people focused on national targets in the research, technology development and innovation ecosystem.

Starting from the understanding that "the most important resource of a country is generally people, specifically scientists," TÜBİTAK encourages and supports our youth from an early age. In this context, providing young minds with early exposure to technology production is crucial for the success of our National Technology Move. Accordingly, TÜBİTAK BİLGEM offers internship opportunities to undergraduate students from universities every year.

You can follow internship announcements and submit your applications through the Career Gateway at

You can access frequently asked questions about internships at TÜBİTAK BİLGEM from here. 

Application Conditions
  • Students enrolled in undergraduate (2nd year and above) and associate degree programs in departments offering education in universities and conducting insurance procedures through the higher education institution to which they are affiliated can benefit from the internship opportunity.
  • For undergraduate and associate degree students, a minimum Weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.50 out of 4 is required. The GPA of candidates with a 100-point system is converted to a 4-point system based on the "Conversion Table of Grades from the 4-Point System to the 100-Point System" published by the Higher Education Council.
  • There is no requirement for a foreign language certificate during the internship application process.
  • Students enrolled in departments such as Forensic Computing Engineering, Computer Sciences, Computer Science and Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer and Informatics, Computer and Software Engineering, Information Systems Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Control Engineering, Control and Computer Engineering, Control and Automation Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, or Software Engineering in universities can apply for internships.

Internship applications are accepted between December and January, and the internship period covers June, July, and August.



Scholar assignments are made for research and development activities for undergraduate, master's, doctoral students, and post-doctoral researchers. In our center, scholars are appointed for practical purposes in externally funded, TARAL, or European Union projects.

You can contact us via the email address to apply to be a scholar.
Application Conditions

(1) The conditions for undergraduate scholars in externally funded projects conducted by the institution are specified below:

  •  Being a student continuing undergraduate education at higher education institutions established in Turkey (excluding foreign language preparatory students).
  • Having a weighted cumulative GPA for previous years, excluding preparatory years, based on the university's grading system, which satisfies the formula score and foreign language requirements in the recruitment criteria.
  • Completing at least the first semester of the first year of undergraduate education.
  • Having a GPA of "+3.00" and a University Placement Exam Ranking of "10,000 ≥" for undergraduate general average.
  • For foreign students placed in Turkish universities without taking the ÖSYM exam or for those who completed undergraduate education through exams such as Vertical Transfer Exam, the lowest university placement ranking of the department from the year the candidate started the undergraduate program is considered in the ranking formula.

(2) The conditions for master's degree scholars in externally funded projects conducted by the institution are specified below:

  • Being a student continuing master's degree education at higher education institutions established in Turkey (excluding special students and foreign language preparatory students).
  • Currently pursuing a master's degree in the project's field of responsibility.

(3) The conditions for doctoral students in externally funded projects conducted by the institution are specified below:

  • Being a student continuing doctoral education at higher education institutions established in Turkey (excluding special students and foreign language preparatory students).
  • Currently pursuing a doctorate in the project's field of responsibility or conducting a doctorate in areas determined within the framework of the YÖK-TÜBİTAK Doctoral Program Project Collaboration Protocol. (Students in medical specialization and artistic proficiency are accepted as doctoral students.)

Candidate Researcher

Students in the 3rd and 4th years of relevant engineering departments at universities can apply to our Part-Time Candidate Researcher positions through our Job Application System at By doing so, they can gain work experience at TÜBİTAK BİLGEM during their university years.

This program does not have an end date. Candidate Researcher personnel working part-time during their university period can seamlessly transition to full-time employment as Researcher personnel at TÜBİTAK BİLGEM without interrupting their career journey after graduating from the undergraduate program.

Application Conditions

Conditions for the Candidate Researcher Program:

  • Being a 3rd or 4th-year student in the relevant departments specified in the announcements at universities.
  • Foreign language proficiency: Achieving appropriate scores in the exam types specified in the announcement or studying in a program that is 100% in English for undergraduate education.
  • Satisfying the formula score:

Weighted Graduation Average + (10,000/University Placement Exam Ranking) + Additional Score* >= 3.20

*Candidates who have achieved rankings and awards in national and international competitions will receive an additional score of 0.3.



By joining TÜBİTAK BİLGEM as a Researcher, you can contribute to developments in the fields of information technology, information security, and advanced electronics. You'll have the opportunity to make your mark on innovations, closely follow advancements, enhance your skills, and shape your future by advancing in your career.

You can apply to our currently open positions through the TÜBİTAK Job Application System .

Application Conditions

Conditions for Job Application:

  • Foreign language proficiency: Attaining appropriate scores in the exam types specified in the announcement or studying in a program that is 100% in English for undergraduate education.
  • Fulfilling specific requirements stated in the announcement (such as undergraduate department, years of experience, expertise, etc.).
  • Satisfying the formula score:

For Candidates with Less than 3 Years of Experience:

Weighted Graduation Average + (10,000 / University Placement Exam Ranking) + Additional Score* >= 3.20


For Candidates with 3 Years and More of Experience:

Weighted Graduation Average + (10,000 / University Placement Exam Ranking) + 5*[1 / (1 + e^(5 - years of experience) ) ] + Additional Score* >= 3.20

*Candidates who have achieved rankings and awards in national and international competitions will receive an additional score of 0.3.


MILSEC 4 - Secure IP Terminal


While the MİLSEC-4 terminal offers an up-to-date solution for next-generation secure communication (voice, data and video) in IP networks, it provides an uninterrupted communication service by maintaining the compatibility of secure voice communication in PSTN networks with PSTN secure phones in use.

Configuration, surveillance and software update processes of MILSEC-4 terminals are carried out securely remotely using the Security Management Center (GYM). MİLSEC-4 terminal is capable of IP Network Key Loading (IPAAY) through secure communication with GYM without the need for an additional device.

MİLSEC-4 terminals are interoperable with MİLSEC-1A and MİLSEC-2 phones and offer the opportunity to replace MİLSEC-1A and MİLSEC-2 phones without interruption in the gradual transformation of PSTN networks to next generation IP networks.


  • End-to-end secure voice communication in PSTN networks
  • End-to-end secure voice, image and data transmission in IP networks
  • NATO SCIP compliance on IP networks
  • Compatibility with commercial SIP products
  • Interoperability with MILSEC1A and MILSEC2 secure phones
  • National and AES crypto algorithms
  • Remote software update
  • Easy operation with touch screen

It is subject to the sales license to be given by the Ministry of National Defense.