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AAA Level Principles

Sign Language (Pre-recorded)


Sign language interpretation should be provided for audio content.


Sign language is a universal method used by deaf individuals to access audio content. Translations provided in sign language can be more effective than captions because they support the audio content with gestures and facial expressions. Therefore, it is expected that sign language interpretation be provided for all audio content on websites.


  • WCAG 2.0 – Level AAA / 1.2.6


As seen on the example website, sign language interpretation is expected in pre-recorded videos to ensure accessibility for deaf users.
Extended Audio Description (Pre-recorded)


Audio descriptions should provide detailed information.


In cases where video content on websites is complex or where visual content cannot be adequately explained through narration, it may be challenging for visually impaired users to understand the content solely through listening. Therefore, when there is a need for more detailed explanations of visuals, video content should be paused, and additional information and descriptions should be provided to users through audio.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 1.2.7


As seen on the sample website, video content is interspersed with information about the video in detail, provided to users through audio.
Media Alternative (Pre-recorded)


Videos should have detailed alternative representations.


In order for visually and hearing impaired users to effectively and efficiently use video content on websites, detailed media alternatives should be provided. Video content and visual elements within the media should be described in detail, including sounds and effects that are not part of the on-screen dialogue. Additionally, providing media alternatives in text form is recommended for ease of use with assistive technologies (e.g., screen reader programs, etc.).


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 1.2.8


As shown on the sample website, the text version of the video content is provided to enhance accessibility. The text should cover not only the content but also details about the media (e.g., gestures made by people while speaking, on-screen changes, etc.).
Audio Content (Live)


Text alternatives should be provided for live audio content.


Text alternatives should be provided for live audio content on websites. For example, topic headings and presentation notes can be shared with users for a live speech. This allows hearing-impaired users to have information about the audio content.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 1.2.9


The example website provides the content of the audio recordings to users.
Contrast (Enhanced)


Text and visual elements should have appropriate contrast ratios.


To achieve AAA compliance for websites, the contrast ratio between text and visual elements and the background should be 7:1. However, a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 may be sufficient for large-scale images and graphics. Contrast ratios are not required for organization logos and images used for decorative purposes.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 1.4.6


Background colors and text colors to be used on websites should be tested. In the example image, the chosen colors do not provide adequate contrast for accessibility. Contrast tests can be conducted online at
Low or No Background Sound


Background sounds should be used carefully.


The use of background sounds in audio and video elements on websites can make it difficult for disabled users to focus on content. Therefore, the use of background sounds should be avoided unless necessary. In cases where background sounds are used, users should be provided with an option to turn off the background sound, and the background sound should be at least four times lower (minimum 20dB lower) than the foreground speech content.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 1.4.7


The example image is taken from a university promotional video. While there is a narration in the video, the sound of the water seen in the image is also playing in the background. This can make it difficult for users to understand the content being conveyed in the promotion, especially if it continues for an extended period.
Visual Presentation


Text should be formatted to be readable.


When formatting text blocks on websites, consider disabled users. Users should be able to adjust text and background colors to meet their needs. Each line should have a maximum of 80 characters (e.g., letters, numbers, symbols, glyphs, etc.), and text should not be justified. Ensure a minimum line spacing of 1.5 lines, and paragraph spacing should be at least 1.5 times the line spacing.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 1.4.8


In the example website, each line contains a maximum of 80 characters, and the line spacing is greater than 1.5.
Text Images (No Exception)


Text should not be presented as images.


Except for text used for purely decorative purposes and logos, text should not be presented as images on websites. Text presented in image format cannot be perceived by screen reader programs and can adversely affect the accessibility of the website.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 1.4.9


In the example website, all content is added as plain text. There are no text converted into image format.
Keyboard (No Exception)


All content must be operable by a keyboard.


All content and functions on websites must be operable by a keyboard. According to this principle, the entire website must be operable by a keyboard under all conditions.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 2.1.3


In the example website, operations can be carried out using the keyboard, and instructions on how to perform these operations are provided to users.
Timing Not to be Used


Time limits should be avoided.


Having time limits for content and actions on websites can prevent disabled users from effectively using the content or completing tasks. Therefore, website content should be designed without time limits. It is advisable to inform users that there are no time limits for the actions performed.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 2.2.3


In the example website, the imposition of a time limit to complete a survey negatively affects the accessibility of the website. Whenever possible, time limits should be avoided on websites, and in cases where time limits are necessary, users should be allowed to extend or stop the time.
Chapter Breaks


Users should be able to disable non-emergency updates.


Automatic updates of alert messages and content on websites can cause confusion for disabled users. Therefore, users should be provided with the option to disable automatic updates of alert messages and content. However, exceptions can be made for situations of high importance to users.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 2.2.4


In the example website, users are given the option to stop automatic updates of content, which can be disabled if desired.
Renewal of Authentication


Users should be able to continue their processes without data loss when the session expires.


In websites where a session is established by authentication, when the session expires, users should be able to renew the authentication and continue their processes without losing data. Users whose session has expired should be informed, and after entering their username and password, they should be able to resume their processes from where they left off.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 2.2.3


In the example website, a user whose session has expired lost the information previously entered when they renewed their session.
Three Flashing


Websites should not contain content that flashes more than three times in any one-second period.


It is known that elements flashing more than three times in one second can trigger seizures in epilepsy patients. Therefore, regardless of the purpose, content, color, or size of elements, websites should not use elements that flash more than three times in one second.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 2.3.2


The use of elements that flash more than three times in one second on websites can create medical problems for some users. The example images are taken from animated graphics. On the internet, these images flash more than three times per second and can be disturbing to the user.


Users should be informed about their locations on the website.


The locations and the current page information on the website should be shared with the users. The breadcrumb feature can be used for this purpose. With the breadcrumb feature, the pages that users have navigated to reach the current page are listed in order, allowing users to understand their location on the website.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 2.4.8


In the example website, users are provided with information about where they are located using the breadcrumb feature.
Link Purpose (Link Only)


Link text should describe the purpose of the link.


The purpose of links should be understandable just by looking at the link text on websites. Link text should be clear, understandable, and designed to explain the purpose of the link. Avoid using expressions that users may not understand or that may cause confusion.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 2.4.9


As seen in the example image, instead of using only the text "Find" in the button label, it is better to use the label "Find the Nearest Bus Station" to provide an idea about the action to be taken when the button is clicked.
Section Headings


Section headings should be used to structure content.


Content on websites should be divided into small, meaningful sections. Additionally, the entire content and subsections should be labeled in an explanatory and understandable manner. This allows users to better comprehend content and navigate between sections more easily.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 2.4.10


As seen on the example website, the content is appropriately structured with headings. Using relevant headings that are related to the content will enhance comprehensibility.
Uncommon Words


Provide explanations for unfamiliar or unknown words.


If websites contain expressions that users may not be familiar with, may not understand, or include jargon, it is necessary to provide explanations for these expressions. Links can be provided to dictionaries or explanation pages that can also be used by assistive technologies like screen readers.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 3.1.3


In the example website, links are provided for words that users may not be very familiar with, directing them to pages that explain the meanings of these words.


Provide expansions and meanings for abbreviations.


Expressions containing abbreviations in website content may not be understood by disabled users. Therefore, the expansions and meanings of abbreviations should be indicated in the HTML code in a way that screen reader programs can perceive.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 3.1.4


As shown on the example website, to ensure that abbreviations are read smoothly by screen readers, their full forms need to be explicitly stated in the HTML code.
Reading Level


Content should be simple and understandable.


Content on websites should be designed to be simple and understandable. When creating content, short and well-known expressions should be used, and if possible, summary texts should be provided for the content. Simplifying content will be useful for users who have difficulty perceiving text. In addition, supporting text with images and visuals enhances content comprehensibility and is recommended.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 3.1.5


As seen on the example website, content should be simple and straightforward. The use of images related to the content will help users grasp the content more quickly and easily.


If the meaning of words is affected by how they are pronounced, appropriate pronunciations should be clearly specified.


On websites, if words have different meanings when pronounced differently, the correct pronunciation of the word should be explained. For example, the word "lead" can mean different things depending on whether it's pronounced as "leed" or "led." Additionally, homographs, which are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings, should be used carefully. It's expected that words are explained and pronounced in a way that users do not get confused.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 3.1.6


In the example website, a link is provided that includes an explanation and pronunciation of a word with different pronunciations.
Change on Request


Automatic changes should only be initiated or stopped at the user's request.


On websites, elements such as sliders or automatic content updates can be disturbing for disabled users when content changes automatically. Therefore, changes and updates related to content should only be initiated and stopped at the user's request.


  • WCAG 2.0 – AAA Level / 3.2.5


In the example website, users are provided with the ability to control automatic updates. Users who cannot read a website quickly may find automatic updates disturbing. To cater to users with reading difficulties, the option to turn off automatic updates should be provided.


Aid function should be provided according to the content.


On websites, an aid option should be provided, taking into consideration the users' needs and actions. When offering an aid option, users should not be forced to search for help content on different pages. Instead, help text that is easily accessible from the current page and directly related to the actions taken should be provided to the users.


  • WCAG 2.0 - AAA Level / 3.3.5


In the example website, links to help content on how users who have forgotten their password or have never received a password can get a new one have been provided.
Prevention of Errors (All Errors)


Users should be prevented from making errors as much as possible.


Measures should be taken on websites to prevent users from making errors. Users should be able to review, revise, or cancel their actions.


  • WCAG 2.0 - AAA Level / 3.3.6


In the example website, users are allowed to go back to the previous steps and update the entered information.
Determining Element Purpose


The type and purpose of all elements in the interface should be determined and reflected in the coding process.


The purpose of all elements such as sections, buttons, icons, etc., in the interface should be determined, and these properties should be reflected in the coding process. This is especially important for screen reader technologies and other assistive technologies that read web interfaces in a textual manner. It will make it easier for these users to understand the functions of the elements on the screen and enable them to use the website more effectively.


  • WCAG 2.1 - AAA Level / 1.3.6


On websites, navigation links and icons are marked up to allow users to use their own icon sets.


Users should be warned in advance about any user inactivity time that could lead to data loss.


Users should be warned in advance when a timeout occurs that could result in data loss. Because disabled users may require extra time to perform functions such as reading content or filling out an online form, restricted timeframes can pose significant barriers for these users. If users are aware of the time given for a task, they can avoid data loss.


  • WCAG 2.1 - AAA Level / 2.2.6


There should not be a timeout period set for filling out and submitting online forms on a website. The information entered into the form should be saved in the background and should be sent only when the user prefers. The contact form should only be closed when the user chooses to do so.
Animation Interaction


Motion animations triggered by interaction can be disabled unless they are necessary for animation functionality or conveyed information.


Animations on web pages should not be designed to cause seizures or physical reactions. Animations should be able to be turned off or stopped when desired.


  • WCAG 2.1 - AAA Level / 2.3.3


Animations that do not serve the purpose of providing information or content on the screen should not be included. If an animation is added, it must serve a purpose, and users should be able to disable the animation if they prefer not to view it.
Target Size


The size of buttons and targets for pointer inputs should be large enough.


The size of the button for pointer inputs should be at least 44 x 44 pixels. When users need to access content on a small-screen touchscreen device, the clickable area should still be large enough for easy interaction with the content under all conditions.


  • WCAG 2.1 - AAA Level / 2.5.5


If there are 3 buttons on a screen, the clickable area for each of the 3 buttons is made 44 x 44 pixels.
Simultaneous Input Mechanisms


Unless restrictions are necessary for security purposes or to comply with user settings, the use of available input methods should not be restricted.


Users should be able to use and switch between different input mechanisms when interacting with content. Users can use various input mechanisms, such as a keyboard, mouse, stylus, or touch screen when interacting with content. Users should be able to change their input mechanisms if they find that specific tasks and interactions are easier to perform using an alternative input mechanism. They should have the flexibility to switch between input mechanisms as they prefer.


  • WCAG 2.1 - AAA Level / 2.5.6


A user opens a menu on a website using mouse interaction and then navigates through the menu items using arrow keys.

(SGE) Cyber Security Institute

The Cyber Security Institute, which was established to carry out studies to increase the national cyber security capacity, carries out research and development activities in the field of cyber security; carries out solutions-oriented projects for military institutions, public institutions and organizations and the private sector.

The main fields of activity of our institute, which has made a significant contribution to the creation of cyber security knowledge and tactical infrastructure in our country with many successful projects to date, are secure software development, penetration tests and vulnerability analysis.

6-yze card logo

(IZE) Artificial Intelligence Institute

Artificial Intelligence Institute is the first institute established within the scope of TUBITAK centers and institutes, which cuts the sectors and research fields horizontally and focuses directly on the emerging technology field. For this reason, it constitutes an innovative model in terms of both the open innovation and co-development approach of the institute and its focus on emerging technology.

Artificial Intelligence Institute aims to develop core technologies in the field of artificial intelligence and bring these innovations from the forefront of science to the use of the industry as soon as possible. Focusing on the transformative potential of artificial intelligence, it will continue to play its part in pioneering efforts to create and sustain artificial intelligence-based innovation, growth and productivity in Turkey. Working with industry and public institutions in Turkey, together with other organizations within the artificial intelligence ecosystem, spreading the use of artificial intelligence and increasing the workforce specialized in this field are among its primary goals.


Competence Centers

Discover institutes laboratories technologies products projects of BİLGEM.


TÜBİTAK BİLGEM builds its basic strategy for the future on qualified knowledge and qualified people focused on national targets in the research, technology development and innovation ecosystem.

Starting from the understanding that "the most important resource of a country is generally people, specifically scientists," TÜBİTAK encourages and supports our youth from an early age. In this context, providing young minds with early exposure to technology production is crucial for the success of our National Technology Move. Accordingly, TÜBİTAK BİLGEM offers internship opportunities to undergraduate students from universities every year.

You can follow internship announcements and submit your applications through the Career Gateway at

You can access frequently asked questions about internships at TÜBİTAK BİLGEM from here. 

Application Conditions
  • Students enrolled in undergraduate (2nd year and above) and associate degree programs in departments offering education in universities and conducting insurance procedures through the higher education institution to which they are affiliated can benefit from the internship opportunity.
  • For undergraduate and associate degree students, a minimum Weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.50 out of 4 is required. The GPA of candidates with a 100-point system is converted to a 4-point system based on the "Conversion Table of Grades from the 4-Point System to the 100-Point System" published by the Higher Education Council.
  • There is no requirement for a foreign language certificate during the internship application process.
  • Students enrolled in departments such as Forensic Computing Engineering, Computer Sciences, Computer Science and Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer and Informatics, Computer and Software Engineering, Information Systems Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Control Engineering, Control and Computer Engineering, Control and Automation Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, or Software Engineering in universities can apply for internships.

Internship applications are accepted between December and January, and the internship period covers June, July, and August.



Scholar assignments are made for research and development activities for undergraduate, master's, doctoral students, and post-doctoral researchers. In our center, scholars are appointed for practical purposes in externally funded, TARAL, or European Union projects.

You can contact us via the email address to apply to be a scholar.
Application Conditions

(1) The conditions for undergraduate scholars in externally funded projects conducted by the institution are specified below:

  •  Being a student continuing undergraduate education at higher education institutions established in Turkey (excluding foreign language preparatory students).
  • Having a weighted cumulative GPA for previous years, excluding preparatory years, based on the university's grading system, which satisfies the formula score and foreign language requirements in the recruitment criteria.
  • Completing at least the first semester of the first year of undergraduate education.
  • Having a GPA of "+3.00" and a University Placement Exam Ranking of "10,000 ≥" for undergraduate general average.
  • For foreign students placed in Turkish universities without taking the ÖSYM exam or for those who completed undergraduate education through exams such as Vertical Transfer Exam, the lowest university placement ranking of the department from the year the candidate started the undergraduate program is considered in the ranking formula.

(2) The conditions for master's degree scholars in externally funded projects conducted by the institution are specified below:

  • Being a student continuing master's degree education at higher education institutions established in Turkey (excluding special students and foreign language preparatory students).
  • Currently pursuing a master's degree in the project's field of responsibility.

(3) The conditions for doctoral students in externally funded projects conducted by the institution are specified below:

  • Being a student continuing doctoral education at higher education institutions established in Turkey (excluding special students and foreign language preparatory students).
  • Currently pursuing a doctorate in the project's field of responsibility or conducting a doctorate in areas determined within the framework of the YÖK-TÜBİTAK Doctoral Program Project Collaboration Protocol. (Students in medical specialization and artistic proficiency are accepted as doctoral students.)

Candidate Researcher

Students in the 3rd and 4th years of relevant engineering departments at universities can apply to our Part-Time Candidate Researcher positions through our Job Application System at By doing so, they can gain work experience at TÜBİTAK BİLGEM during their university years.

This program does not have an end date. Candidate Researcher personnel working part-time during their university period can seamlessly transition to full-time employment as Researcher personnel at TÜBİTAK BİLGEM without interrupting their career journey after graduating from the undergraduate program.

Application Conditions

Conditions for the Candidate Researcher Program:

  • Being a 3rd or 4th-year student in the relevant departments specified in the announcements at universities.
  • Foreign language proficiency: Achieving appropriate scores in the exam types specified in the announcement or studying in a program that is 100% in English for undergraduate education.
  • Satisfying the formula score:

Weighted Graduation Average + (10,000/University Placement Exam Ranking) + Additional Score* >= 3.20

*Candidates who have achieved rankings and awards in national and international competitions will receive an additional score of 0.3.



By joining TÜBİTAK BİLGEM as a Researcher, you can contribute to developments in the fields of information technology, information security, and advanced electronics. You'll have the opportunity to make your mark on innovations, closely follow advancements, enhance your skills, and shape your future by advancing in your career.

You can apply to our currently open positions through the TÜBİTAK Job Application System .

Application Conditions

Conditions for Job Application:

  • Foreign language proficiency: Attaining appropriate scores in the exam types specified in the announcement or studying in a program that is 100% in English for undergraduate education.
  • Fulfilling specific requirements stated in the announcement (such as undergraduate department, years of experience, expertise, etc.).
  • Satisfying the formula score:

For Candidates with Less than 3 Years of Experience:

Weighted Graduation Average + (10,000 / University Placement Exam Ranking) + Additional Score* >= 3.20


For Candidates with 3 Years and More of Experience:

Weighted Graduation Average + (10,000 / University Placement Exam Ranking) + 5*[1 / (1 + e^(5 - years of experience) ) ] + Additional Score* >= 3.20

*Candidates who have achieved rankings and awards in national and international competitions will receive an additional score of 0.3.


MILSEC 4 - Secure IP Terminal


While the MİLSEC-4 terminal offers an up-to-date solution for next-generation secure communication (voice, data and video) in IP networks, it provides an uninterrupted communication service by maintaining the compatibility of secure voice communication in PSTN networks with PSTN secure phones in use.

Configuration, surveillance and software update processes of MILSEC-4 terminals are carried out securely remotely using the Security Management Center (GYM). MİLSEC-4 terminal is capable of IP Network Key Loading (IPAAY) through secure communication with GYM without the need for an additional device.

MİLSEC-4 terminals are interoperable with MİLSEC-1A and MİLSEC-2 phones and offer the opportunity to replace MİLSEC-1A and MİLSEC-2 phones without interruption in the gradual transformation of PSTN networks to next generation IP networks.


  • End-to-end secure voice communication in PSTN networks
  • End-to-end secure voice, image and data transmission in IP networks
  • NATO SCIP compliance on IP networks
  • Compatibility with commercial SIP products
  • Interoperability with MILSEC1A and MILSEC2 secure phones
  • National and AES crypto algorithms
  • Remote software update
  • Easy operation with touch screen

It is subject to the sales license to be given by the Ministry of National Defense.